Belarus role in NATO’s Eastern Region
leggi l’articolo completo sul sito Immediately after the outbreak of the 2014 Russian–Ukrainian conflict, Minsk presented itself mainly as a neutral party willing to substantially further peace negotiations over the war’s resolution, thus playing the role of an indispensable regional peace broker. But just as importantly, Belarus also warranted so-called security guaranties toward all states…
L’atteggiamento della stampa russa nei confronti della crisi siriana
Articolo presente sul sito web Dopo l’abbattimento da parte da parte dell’aviazione turca di un cacciabombardiere S24 Sukhoi, la situazione in Siria è notevolmente peggiorata, nell’ambito di…
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L’Ucraina tra blocco euratlantico ed eurasiatico: genesi, problemi strutturali e possibile soluzione della crisi. Il ritorno delle sfere di influenza
Testo di Gregorio Baggiani, Presente nella sezioni Esteri del  Quotidiano 1. Le cause strutturali della crisi ucrainaIl conflitto in Ucraina rappresenta attualmente il più grande sconvolgimento politico a partire…
International relations
The Ukrainian Question: Genesis, Structural Problems and Possible Solutions
Articolo pubblicato sul sito NATO DEFENSE COLLEGE e-Ukrainian-crisis-NATO-DEfense-College-con-copertina-ed-indiceDownload 1.1 The Structural Causes of the Ukrainian Crisis The conflict in Ukraine is probably…
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The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was a mistake: lessons for today
Historian and political scientist, specialising in the Post-Soviet area as well as in the affairs of the English and German-speaking world Articolo…
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The OSCE Italian Presidency and the Possible Resolution of the Conflict in Donbas
Italy has the Presidency of OSCE for 2018. A year that could be one of the most decisive, both for Italy and……
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